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Q: Why A theory which repeatedly fails to confirm the expected predictions after extensive research?
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How variables are expected to be related to one another often according to predictions from a theory?

Variables are expected to be related to one another based on the assumptions and logical reasoning within a theory. The theory specifies the nature and direction of relationships between variables, guiding the researcher's predictions. These relationships can be tested through empirical research to evaluate the theory's validity.

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by extensive research

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by extensive research

If after extensive research the expected observations predicted by a theory fail to materialize then the theory .?

may need to be revised or even discarded altogether. It is important for scientific theories to be tested against empirical evidence, and if the evidence does not support the predictions of the theory, it calls into question the validity of the theory itself. Scientists may need to go back to the drawing board to develop a new theory that better explains the observations.

Use extensive in a sentence?

She did extensive research before writing her thesis on climate change.

Which subject is not suitable for a research paper?

one that merits extensive research

Can you use extensive property in a sentence?

His profession required an extensive time out in the field doing research .

What research has been done on hypnotherapy?

Research on the effectiveness of hypnotherapy on a variety of medical conditions is extensive.

A sentence using the word extensive?

I have several sentences for you.Extensive work was needed to repair the highway.I did extensive research for this report.She spent an extensive vacation at the resort.

What is an example of Extensive Writing?

An example of extensive writing would be writing a research paper or a thesis that requires in-depth analysis, research, and detailed exploration of a topic. This type of writing typically involves longer texts and extensive use of sources and evidence.

Which research method can make predictions without stating cause?

Correlational research can make predictions without stating cause. This method involves examining the relationship between two or more variables to determine if they are associated with each other, but does not establish causation.

What is the difference between intensive research and extensive research?

extensive research is empirical and concrete. Large samples are taken to capture variabilities. Intesive research, on the other hand, is abstract and theoretical. Small samples are taken to uncover underlying casual mechanisms. Intensive research is much more in depth and often leads to case studies research