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A martyr is someone who suffers or dies because of their beliefs.

The Christians in Rome were persecuted/killed because they would not worship Roman gods or take part in sacrifices.

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They were willing to die for their faith.

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Q: Why Christians in Rome were called martyrs?
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Someone who dies for their faith?

Martyr - someone who dies for what they believe is right Sometimes, they could also be called suicide bombers!!!!

What was one way in which the roman empire did not further the spread of Christianity?

By killing a lot of Christians. For example Ceasar Nero blamed the burning of Rome on Christians and killed many of them as martyrs.

How did Rome's persecutiom of christians help Christianity grow and spread?

Because people were inspired by the courage of the early Christians(many of whom were only children), & their willingness to die for their faith, that they too, became Christians. "The Blood of the Martyrs is the Seed of the Faith."

Did Christians become martyrs when they were imprisoned for their cause?

A martyr is someone who dies for a cause, imprisonment does not make somebody a martyr.

What are the Christians who were killed remembered as?

Assuming you are are referring to Christians who have been killed because they are Christian, these are known as Martyrs.

Why is St. Lawrence of Rome a saint?

Lawrence was one of the seven deacons of Pope Sixtus II and was martyred for his faith, along with the pope and fellow deacons. Early Christians considered all martyrs to be saints.

Where did early christians hide in rome?

They hid in what is called the 'catacombs', which are underground burial places.

Who are some famous martyrs?

In Christianity, there are some famous martyrs, some examples are: Jesus, John the Baptist, Saint Valentine, who was put to death by the Romans for secretly wedding Christians back when Christians were being condemned by the Roman Empire.

What is the difference between modern and ancient rome?

ancient Rome hated christians, modern rome embraces them

Who are the emperors persecuting Christians in Rome?

There are no emperors in Rome now-a-days, and nobody is persecuting Christians in Rome. Indeed, Rome is the centre of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why would Constantine change Rome's policy towards christians?

Constantine changed Rome's policy towards the Christians because he needed their support as by his time the Christians were numerous and causing unrest.Constantine changed Rome's policy towards the Christians because he needed their support as by his time the Christians were numerous and causing unrest.Constantine changed Rome's policy towards the Christians because he needed their support as by his time the Christians were numerous and causing unrest.Constantine changed Rome's policy towards the Christians because he needed their support as by his time the Christians were numerous and causing unrest.Constantine changed Rome's policy towards the Christians because he needed their support as by his time the Christians were numerous and causing unrest.Constantine changed Rome's policy towards the Christians because he needed their support as by his time the Christians were numerous and causing unrest.Constantine changed Rome's policy towards the Christians because he needed their support as by his time the Christians were numerous and causing unrest.Constantine changed Rome's policy towards the Christians because he needed their support as by his time the Christians were numerous and causing unrest.Constantine changed Rome's policy towards the Christians because he needed their support as by his time the Christians were numerous and causing unrest.

Why is Rome special to Christians?

Catholic AnswerRome is special to Christians because St. Paul and St. Peter are both buried there. At the time they were alive, Rome was the center of the known world, and they took the faith there, and from there it spread throughout the world. Even today, the Holy Father, the successor of St. Peter, still lives in the Eternal City. Plus, hundreds and hundreds of martyrs gave their lives for the faith in Rome, and are buried in Rome. To this day, we still say Mass on altar in which the bones of saints are interred (under the altar cloth, you will see a small stone cemented in the center of the altar top, under which a martyr's relics are placed): this comes from the first Masses being said on top of the tombs of the martyrs in the Catacombs.