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they wear it to look cool

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Q: Why Do Celebrities Wear Sunglasses During An Interview?
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Which celebrities wear sunglasses?

Check fashion blogs for celebrity eye wear. Vision Direct's Eyepod has a category dedicated to celebrities and the sunglasses they wear called "Celebrity Watch." Please see the link provided below.

What sunglasses did Jim Morrison wear in 1969 interview?

armani 9693

Why is it day on the other side of the world and not the other?

So celebrities can wear sunglasses at night.

When did celebrities start to wear sunglasses?

Celebrities wear sunglasses for the below reasons: 1) Avoid sunglare 2) Avoid eye contact with public 3) To avoid people coming to know they slept few hours 4) To avoid to show that they were drunk highly previous nights.

Did the former artist Aaliyah wear the Coco Chanel sunglasses?

i belive she wore some type of that brand sunglasses and no she didnt have a lazy eye she just loved sunglasses she said it in an interview. :)

Is it okay to wear perfume during an interview?


When do you where you sunglasses in baseball?

sunglasses are used during day games. Baseball players used to wear flips and knock them down only when a fly ball was hit into the sun. Now players just wear the sunglasses throughout the day game.

Do you have to wear sunglasses during a lunar eclipse?

No, you do not need to wear sunglasses during a lunar eclipse as the moon's brightness during an eclipse is significantly reduced. Sunglasses are only necessary for protecting your eyes from the sun's direct and intense light.

What celebrity wears Oliver Peoples sunglasses?

Peter Andre, Chris Hemsworth, The Saturdays, P, Diddy, Paris Hilton, Lady Ga Ga, Britney Spears and many other celebrities all wear Carrera sunglasses.

Why it might be less dangerous to wear no sunglasses than to wear sunglasses that do not block UV light?

Wearing sunglasses that do not block UV light are tinted sunglasses. This tinted sunglasses cause more harm than wearing no sunglasses

Why might it be less dangerous to wear no sunglasses than to wear sunglasses that do not block UV light?

Wearing sunglasses that do not block UV light are tinted sunglasses. This tinted sunglasses cause more harm than wearing no sunglasses

Do tourists wear sunglasses?

Yes tourists wear sunglasses. So do many other people