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NASA was created by Congress and and operates under a Federal Statute (law). A common misconception is that it is a large agency and its operations are performed by NASA employees. In fact, NASA is a relatively small organization, and the bulk of its centers and operations are performed by civilian Aerospace contractors. The debate on "privatizing" NASA is ridiculous, since private companies essentially run the space program anyway. NASA just administers it.

The Space Program is only one of NASA's functions; by law, its mandate is to oversee the space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research.

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Funding NASA's space program helps advance scientific knowledge, technological innovation, and national security. Government funding ensures that research and exploration can continue, contributing to economic growth and inspiring future generations. Additionally, space exploration fosters international collaboration and promotes the United States as a leader in science and technology.

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What was the name of NASAs space craft that was the first to land on the moon?

Apollo 11

Will there be an Apollo 18?

As soon as NASA landed on the moon back in 1969, the general public started getting less and less interested in space exploration. The logic behind the thinking was that they have beaten the Russians to the moon, why continue to invest money into the program? Not long after the first moon landing of Apollo 11, congress started cutting at NASAs budget and cancelled Apollo 18-to 21. This is just a comment but they acually sent Apollo 18 to the moon and it never returned!

Was nasas cool suit changed when it was adapted for use on earth?

Yes, NASA's cool suit technology was adapted for use on Earth, such as in medical applications like regulating body temperature during surgeries or treating fever. While the basic design remained the same, adaptations were made to improve comfort and usability for medical professionals.

When was NASAs first failure?

NASA's first major failure was the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter in 1999. The spacecraft was intended to study the Martian climate, but a navigation error caused it to burn up in the atmosphere. This incident highlighted the importance of proper communication and units conversion in space missions.

How much does it cost to send the average human up into space?

Sending an average human into space can cost tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars, depending on the space vehicle and destination. For example, a seat on a private space tourism flight can cost around $200,000 to $250,000, while a trip to the International Space Station can cost upwards of $50 million per seat.

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What was NASAs first high profile space program?

The Mercury program

Who pays for NASAS equipment?

I guess you weren't aware that you pay for it, along with the rest of the country. Hmm odd.Answer:NASA is a Government agency funded by the US government. So we the taxpayers pay for what other countries don't contribute. (Canada built and paid for the Canada arm.)

How many astronauts where onboard each space capsule during nasas Gemini space program?


How many astronauts were onboard each space capsule launched during NASAS Gemini space program?

there where nine atsronuts :)

NASAs first human spaceflight program specialized in orbital and sub-orbital flight with capsules only large enough to hold one pilot What was the program called?

Project Mercury.

How many astronauts where onboard each space capsule launched during NASAS Gemini space program?

There were 2 astronauts on each Project Gemini mission.

How many astronauts were anboard each space capsule launched during nasas Gemini space program?

There were two men in each Gemini module(The constellation Gemini is the twins)

How many astranauts were onboard each space capsule launched during NASAs Gemini space program?

Two. A command pilot (commander) and a pilot (technically a co-pilot -- a term which is taboo among astronauts).

What was the name of NASAs space craft that was the first to land on the moon?

Apollo 11

Which astronaut flew in all three NASAs Moon Shot programs?

alan shephard

Which spacecraft visited neptune on August 25 1989?

NASAS voyonger 2 was the first to visit neptune

What is NASAS replacement programes?

Due to limitation in budget, the NASA is going to quit manufacturing Space Shuttles and again start making ordinary rockets.