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Because it's assumed that extra-terrestrial life will communicate via the radio-waves part of the spectrum. Having said that - there is no reason why another part of the ES couldn't be used. As one scientist said years ago about contacting aliens - "...They may have already sent us messages - we're probably just not looking in the right place for them !..."

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Q: Why SETI examines radio wave rather than other electromagnetic spectrum?
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What is the full range of electromagnetic radiation called?

There are seven types of electromagnetic waves and they are: 1. Radio waves 2. Microwaves 3. Infra-red waves 4. (visible) Light waves 5. Ultra-violet waves 6. X-ray waves 7. Gamma rays

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White light, which can split in to the colours is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are, cosmic rays, X-rays, UV light, infra red(IR) waves, micro waves, and radio waves. m ic ray of the spectrum

The entire range of em waves is called the?

The entire range of electromagnetic waves is called the electromagnetic spectrum. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Each type of wave has a different frequency and wavelength.

What kind of wave is an x ray?

X-Rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other waves on the electromagnetic spectrum include light, radio waves, and gamma rays.

What are the other members of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Other members of the electromagnetic spectrum other than ordinary light are gamma rays x-rays, ultraviolet rays,infrared rays, microwaves, radio waves and TV waves

The various types of electromagnetic radiation are distinguished from each other by their?

The various types of electromagnetic radiation are distinguished from each other by their frequency and wavelength. Each type, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays, falls within a specific range of frequencies and wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Where can you find good jokes about the electromagnetic spectrum?

You can find good jokes about the electromagnetic spectrum on websites dedicated to science humor, such as Science Jokes or Science Daily. Alternatively, you can search for science-themed joke books that may contain jokes related to the electromagnetic spectrum.

How is visible light different from the other waves and rays on the electromagnetic spectrum?

It has a different wavelength and frequency.

How is the electromagnetic spectrum useful?

The electromagnetic spectrum is useful because it allows us to study and understand a wide range of phenomena, from the properties of light to the behavior of celestial objects. It is also essential for various technologies like communication systems, medical imaging, and remote sensing. By exploring different regions of the spectrum, scientists can gather valuable data and make new discoveries.

Most sunlight consists of what parts of the electromagnetic spectrum?

The visible spectrum (the radiation we can see as light). This is most likely why organisms evolved to be able to see visible light over other types of electromagnetic radiation - the sun emits this more than the other frequencies, so it was easier for life to evolve seeing this spectrum.

Where in the electromagnetic spectrum are pulsars best observed?

Pulsars are best observed in the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is because their strong radio emission allows them to be detected and studied using radio telescopes. However, pulsars have also been observed at other frequencies, including X-ray and gamma-ray wavelengths.