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it is due to the surface tension of water. due to the inter molecular forces present in between the molecules of water, the surface of water behave as a stretched membrane. blade and paper clip do not exert enough force to pierce the surface of water. so they flot over the surface of water.

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A razor blade and paper clip float in water due to the surface tension of water. The surface tension allows certain objects with low density, like the razor blade and paper clip, to be supported on the surface rather than sinking.

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Q: Why a razor blade and paper clip float in the water?
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Why does razor blade float?

Razor blades are denser than water, so they sink when placed in water. However, if the razor blade is carefully placed on the surface tension of the water, it can appear to float on the water due to the surface tension supporting its weight.

Why does a steel razor blade float on water yet steel is denser than water?

A razor blade floats on water due to surface tension, which allows it to support the weight of the blade before it breaks through. Steel is denser than water, but the small size and shape of the razor blade allow it to rest on the water's surface.

Why does a blade sink on soapy water?

You can float a razor blade on water due to the 'Surface Tension' of the water. This is the tendancy of the water molecules to stay tightly together, which is why a water drop forms a 'hump' on a surface. Soap is a 'wetting agent', or surfactant. When you add soap to the liquid, the surface tension is drastically reduced, and the water molecules 'flow' around objects, like the razor blade. So, it sinks.

Can a paper boat float?

Yes, a paper boat can float on water as long as it is well-made and the paper is not too thin. The boat's ability to float depends on its design and the displacement of water.

Why wont a paper boat float on normal water?

A paper boat may sink in normal water because paper is not waterproof and easily absorbs water, causing it to become saturated and heavy. Once the paper becomes heavy, it loses its buoyancy and can no longer float on the water's surface.

Related questions

Why does razor blade float?

Razor blades are denser than water, so they sink when placed in water. However, if the razor blade is carefully placed on the surface tension of the water, it can appear to float on the water due to the surface tension supporting its weight.

Why does a steel razor blade float on water yet steel is denser than water?

A razor blade floats on water due to surface tension, which allows it to support the weight of the blade before it breaks through. Steel is denser than water, but the small size and shape of the razor blade allow it to rest on the water's surface.

Why does a blade sink on soapy water?

You can float a razor blade on water due to the 'Surface Tension' of the water. This is the tendancy of the water molecules to stay tightly together, which is why a water drop forms a 'hump' on a surface. Soap is a 'wetting agent', or surfactant. When you add soap to the liquid, the surface tension is drastically reduced, and the water molecules 'flow' around objects, like the razor blade. So, it sinks.

Can a paper boat float?

Yes, a paper boat can float on water as long as it is well-made and the paper is not too thin. The boat's ability to float depends on its design and the displacement of water.

Why paper boat float on water?


Why does paper cups float?

Paper cups float because they are less dense than the water. Paper cups are made up of a light material, therefore making it float easily on the water's surface.

Does paper float on water?

Well,I could say yes,but it also depends on what kind of paper u use,so technically,yes paper can float on water

Why wont a paper boat float on normal water?

A paper boat may sink in normal water because paper is not waterproof and easily absorbs water, causing it to become saturated and heavy. Once the paper becomes heavy, it loses its buoyancy and can no longer float on the water's surface.

Is tissue paper float?

Yes, tissue paper is lightweight and will typically float in water. However, if the tissue paper becomes saturated with water, it may eventually sink.

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Will a paper float?

As long as it can displace a volume of water equal to its mass (ie its density is less than that of the water) it will float. Most paper will have a density less than that of water (or can be so folded) so will float.

Does a paper bag float?

A dry paper bag will float until it becomes saturated