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There fur changes white so that it will blend in with the snow so that it will be easy for it to hide from its predators.

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Q: Why a snow rabbit change the color of the fur in winter?
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What breed of rabbit is the snow bunny?

The rabbit is a Forrest rabbit. These change to winter fur that is white. The color is for camouflage against larger predators and there for white for the winter snow

What color is a snowshoe rabbit in winter?

The same as

A rabbit lives in a temperate forest. Which would be an adaptation for this rabbit?

Changing color when snow falls

Do evergreen leaves change color?

No, they do not change color, other than in the Winter, when they get covered by snow.

A rabbit lives in a temperate forest. which would be an adaptation for this rabbit?

Changing color when snow falls.

What is the disadvantage of snowshoe hare having brown fur?

Snowshoe hares change color with the season. They turn brown in the summer and white in the winter. The color change helps to camouflage the hare all year round. If it should snow before the rabbit turns white, the brown coat would make them stand out against the white snow.

How does a rabbit change in winter?

They shed there summer coat off and grow a snow-white coat. This helps them camouflage when predator are near.

What are the color of the rabbit?

Wild rabbits are usually brown or a dark color. Snow hares are white in winter to blend in with the enviroment. If you are talking about domestic rabbits then it depends on the breed. There is a variety of colors!

What snow rabbit?

A rabbit that lives in a snowy environment

A rabbit lives in a temperate forest . Which would be an adaptation for this rabbit?

Changing color when snow falls

What abiotic factor influences the color of the snowshoe rabbit's fur?

all rabbits are mammals so their warm blooded. Their fur color has nothing to do with the warmth of a rabbit.The fur color doesn't affect the warmth of a rabbit. Its blood does.

What was the lesson of Rabbit's Wish For Snow?

The lesson of Rabbit's Wish For Snow was to appreciate and be content with what you have. Rabbit learned that being patient and grateful for his friends' efforts to help him enjoy winter was more important than wishing for something that couldn't be forced.