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Due to irresponsible driving

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Q: Why accidents are more frequent along curve roads?
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Why does accidents are more frequent along roads way?

Accidents are more frequent along roads due to a variety of factors, including speeding, distracted driving, poor road conditions, adverse weather conditions, and driver error. Additionally, increased traffic volume and congestion can also contribute to a higher likelihood of accidents occurring along roads.

Where do most road traffic accidents occur Rural roads or on the motorway?

Most accidents happen where there are the most people. HOWEVER, about 50% of fatal accidents happen on rural roads.

Who causes the most accidents in winter roads?

fog or smog

Should government reduce the speed limit on roads to reduce car accidents?


When do driving accidents most occur?

City/rural roads, intersections, and believe it or not, parking lots.

Should you travel on the interstate in snow covered roads?

No you shouldn't as there has been too many accidents.

Why transition curve is incorporated with circular curves on roads of high speed?

Type your answer here... transition curve is provided in roads to provide safty aginist over turnig of vichle when it passes in a curve path also to felt compart for passanger inside the vichel when it enter from a stright line to a curve path. also transition curve menimise the amount of super elevatioN ,combinely transition curve and circular curve is called composite or combine curve. for detailed FROM; SANA ULLAH SWAT POLYTECHENIC INSTITUTE MATTA SWAT (SURVEY INSTROCTOR ) please contact on E-MAIL ADRESS=SANASM1990@YAHOO.COM

What has the author Russell A Dickson written?

Russell A. Dickson has written: 'Demonstration City road network and accidents' -- subject(s): Roads, Traffic accidents, Traffic surveys

What Are the Resturants In Norway?

Downtown and along roads.

Why is that many countries are experiencing many road accidents?

More cars are added to the already congested roads each and every year. Also you have more new inexperienced drivers on the road each year. This will mean more accidents. Developing countries have poor roads and poor traffic control or none at all. All of this means more accidents.

What has the author I Summersgill written?

I. Summersgill has written: 'Non-junction accidents on urban single-carriageway roads'

What is the statistics of traffic accidents in the UK?

The statistics of traffic accidents in the United Kingdom in 2011 were 203,950 casualties reported on the roads of Great Britain. Of these 1,901 were fatalities and 23,122 were serious casualties.