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because she hadn't

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Q: Why according to the narrator was Winnie not curious about the wood Tuck everlasting?
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Why wasn't Winnie in tuck everlasting curious about the wood?


Why wasn't Winnie curious about the wood tuck everlasting?


Who wrote the book Tuck Everlasting?

The author of tuck everlasting is Natalie Babbitt

What happens to Winnie at the end of the story Tuck Everlasting?

Winnie dies.

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he was happy when he found Winnie but Winnie wanted to stay

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Winnie Foster

In the book Tuck Everlasting what animal was Winnie talking to?

In Tuck Everlasting, Winnie talks to a toad. I know because I'm reading it in school.

Who is the protagonist of tuck everlasting?

Winnie foster

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In the story Tuck Everlasting what is the secret they tell Winnie?

They told Winnie that they can live forever.

Who explain the wheel of life to Winnie tuck everlasting?

At the end of the book Winnie dies.

What item is important for Winnie Foster in Tuck Everlasting?

The water Jesse gave Winnie