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Q: Why am i lightly spotting every day?
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Bleeding lightly and not on period?

Well, i know that if a girl is pregnant and she's "bleeding lightly" it's called spotting. There is nothing wrong when it happens.

What day should you consider the first day of your period - the day of dark red spotting or the day when the flow begins?

The day when flow begins, not spotting

Do you count spotting as the first day?

When you have your period, more than spotting comes out. I'm on a period myself and the first i had mine, it wasn't spotting first. But it's actually what you believeis the first day. So sure, spotting could count as the first day.

What if you are spotting and then the next day you had your period does that mean im pregnant?

If your spotting one day, then get your period the next day, that would indicate that your are NOT pregnant...

Can you grow moss in your terrarium by just laying it on the soil?

You would have to mist it every so often, about 2 times a day lightly.

Does anyone get spotting or light bleeding around ovulation when they have been on Cipralex for like 4 months?

I've been on Cipralex for about a month now and the spotting started soon after I started taking them. Every day there's spotting, not just near ovulation time. Has yours gone away yet?

I am going to start using the Nuva Ring do I insert it the day Im spotting or the day you see a blood flow?

It would be safer to start the day you're spotting.

After you start birth control for the first time do you consider spotting the first day of your period or actual flowing the first day?

spotting is the beginning of what will be your period.

How soon would spotting occur after conception?

spotting occurs 6-12 days after your ovulation day

Is it normal if I went off birth control 2 months ago and this month around day 15 I had pink-brown spotting and every couple days have light brown spotting?

i think you are pregnant, take HPT or go see your doctor!

Im tracking periods for ovulation the first two days are very light dark spotting followed by 3-4 days of red heavier flow should you start counting the day of spotting or when you see red blood?

Start counting your period from the day you see the spotting if this happens every month. You could also do basal body temperature which will pinpoint ovulation, or use the Billings method.

You were only spotting for not even a full day and having some bad cramping?

You were only spotting for not even a full day and having some bad cramping?