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It is just for human convenience. If the person who uses the physical balance is left handed then placing the unknown mass in the right pan will be the most convenient for him. So easyness to place the weights on the pan is considered. Hence the usual procedure.

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12y ago
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Umaima Mahmood

Lvl 1
1y ago
Good ans but we need more precise answer
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Syed Waheed Hussain ...

Lvl 1
1y ago
This is because we are used to place the unknown masses at left as in our daily life and is easy to deal with or simply because the standard mass r placed at right side of th balance although we can switch their places by puttind standard masses on left.
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2d ago

An unknown mass is placed in the left pan of a physical balance to compare it with a known mass on the right pan. By balancing the two sides, the unknown mass can be determined based on how much the known mass needs to be adjusted to achieve balance.

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Umaima Mahmood

Lvl 2
1y ago

It is not convinient to place unknown mass on left pan . The person left handed should place unknown mass on right pan for precise measurements. Hence most of the people are right handed so that is why the unknown object is placed on left pan .

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Q: Why an unknown mass is placed in the left pan of physical balance?
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