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Q: Why and how different career categories require different thinking and learning skills?
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To continue to challenge the student, to enable them to practice their learning. To create a memory pathway of learning so that the skills become second nature and require less thinking.

Action which does not require thinking?

Reflex actions do not require thinking, nor do the actions of involuntary muscles.

What is scaffolded learning?

When you're learning to scaffold, you're obtaining information on how to create a temporary building in different evironments. Varying climates may require different materials to hold a damaged building together before repairing it.

What does active learning require?

Requires the person learning something actually take part in the learning.

Which questions require critical thinking to answer?

Questions that require critical thinking typically involve analyzing complex problems, evaluating evidence, forming logical arguments, and making informed judgments. For example, questions that ask you to consider multiple perspectives, weigh different options, predict outcomes, or propose solutions to ambiguous situations all require critical thinking skills to answer effectively.

What is a similarity between concepts and categories?

Both require extrareasoning.

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Activities that require energy that you are not able to see?

thinking, dreaming require energy

What are the two categories of assumptions in critical thinking?

The two categories of assumptions in critical thinking are explicit assumptions, which are openly stated, and implicit assumptions, which are not directly stated but can be inferred from the context or background knowledge. Explicit assumptions are easier to identify and challenge, while implicit assumptions require deeper analysis to uncover their impact on reasoning.

What action which does not require thinking?

Blinking is an action that does not require conscious thinking. It is a reflexive response controlled by the autonomic nervous system to keep the eyes moist and protect them from debris.

What is health insurance reform?

Health insurance reform was an option where the government provides health care for everyone, by providing affordable insurance. This does not require learning a lot about financing, but it does require reading about the different options given by the reform.