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Q: Why are acids more concentrated than alkalis?
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Why acids are useful?

Otherwise we would have nothing to neutralise alkalis with, the whole would be alkalis rather than acids and alkalis.

Are acids more dangrous than alkalis?

They are both equally dangerous!

Are acids more dangerous when diluted than concentrated?

Concentrated acids are more dangerous.

How can you tell how strong acids and alkalis are using the pH scale?

Acids have a pH under 7, alkalis have a pH bigger than 7.

Is acids and bases corrosives?

Yes, concentrated acids and bases are more corrosive than dilute acids and bases

Which acid does not contain H ion?

All acids contain H+ but stronger acids contain more than weaker acids. Alkalis contain OH-. In stronger alkalis there is more OH- and in weaker, there is less. This is why pH7 is neutral - the H+ and the OH- form H2O which is a neutral substance.

Is there more than one indicator that changes colour in acids or alkalis?

No, many types of color indicators are known.

Are concentrated acids weaker than diluted acids?


Are acids most dangerous when concentrated or diluted?

yes it is it more harmful than dilute acid

Do alkalis have a pH less than 7?

no they alkaline solutions have a pH higher than 7

What do you understand by concentrated and dilute acids?

when same volumes taken,In concentrated there are many more moles of H+ than dilute one.

Will a concentrated acid always react quicker than a dilute acid?

It should always not be. As general, concentrated acids are more faster in redox reactions whereas the dilute acids prefer neutralization.