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Q: Why are beats 2 and 4 important in reggae?
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How do you play reggae keyboard?

The essence of playing reggae keyboard (we are talking chords here) is that you play the chords on the "AND" between the 4 beats in a bar. EG 1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4 This gives reggae its characteristic choppy/off beat sound.

How many minims are there in a semibreve?

2 A minim lasts for 2 beats and a semibreve lasts for 4.

How many half notes are there in 4 beats?

'One' Half Note = 2 Beats therefore, there are 2 half notes in 4 beats.

Is walking the gait comprised of four movements?

walk= 4 beats trot= 2 beats canter= 3 beats gallop=4 beats this is 2 the best of my knowledge i am definant that walk and gallop r both 4 beats

How many beats does a half note dot get?

In a 4/4 measure it would be 3 beats. =)

How many beats does a dotted half note have?

A dotted half note will always get three beats because a dote adds half the value of the note to the note. So a half note = 2 beats, 1/2 of 2 = 1, so 2+1=3. If you are in 4/4, it equals three beats. If you are in3/4, it equals three. 2/4 and 2/2 cannot have a dotted half note because the value is too big. In 6/8, the value changes because the eighth note gets the beat instead of the quarter note. So then the dotted half note would get 6 beats, instead f three because everything is basically doubled. Hope that helps!!

What is a measure note?

there are however many beats per measure. For example, 2/4: there are 2 beats per measure on every 4 measures and on and on.

How many semibreve in one minum?

Its half a semibreve which is two beats out of the four in one minum as a minum has two beats. Otherwise its two minums per semibreve which is 4. In short: Minum = 2 beats Semi = 4 beats 4/2 = 1/2 therefore half a semibreve per minum.

In music what is the difference between 2 4 time and 4 8 time?

2 4 time is when there are two crotchet beats in a bar 4 8 time is when there are four quaver beats in a bar

Do horses court?

yes, they do court it's when they trot but faster and 3 beats, a Gallop is 4 beats, Canter is 2 beats(ect.)

What is a rest that receives 2 beats of silence in 4-4?

What looks like a hat is the rest that equals 2 beats.

What are the kinds of rests and their beats?

there are different kinds of rests and their beats you would have to look at the beginning of the measure to find out what the BPM is most likely it would be a 4/4 beat meaning 4 beats a measure. some of the rests are half rests-2 beats quarter rests-1 beat and a full rest-4 beats