

Why are certain diseases incurable?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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The word "incurable" is a form of surrender used by someone who has not yet discovered, or perhaps assembled, the research to show that a disease can be brought into remission. Diseases can look incurable for a long time, not because we haven't found a method, but because there are alternate movations for groups to use the word.

Someone who has a disease that is "incurable" but then gets cured runs into a dilemma. That person is competing with all of the authoirty from sources that cited the disease could not be cured. No longer could they have had this disease from which they were cured because society will no longer let them have the illness. Someone might state, "If the disease is incurable you never had the illness in the first place, it must have been something else." This person loses their authoirty that they have had an illness because they have been cured or even worse, abandons treatement just because a critical perspective makes a positive outcome look impossible. Whats worse is that the culture looses the ability to document what brought it into remission.

For most diseases, treatment requires more than just taking your pills. If you lose that positive vision that the disease can be cured, that attitude itself can influence behaviors that promote recovery. To call any disease "incurable" is unethcial no matter how far away technology is away from actually curing the disease. Why? Calling the disease incurable influences that surrender and the discoveres required to cure the illness.

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