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They're not the same. They're not the same.

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7y ago

Physical change: breaking, transformation in sand, etc.
Chemical change: transformation in another rock with another composition.

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Q: Why are chemical and physical changes the same?
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What is the same about physical changes and chemical changes?

they both change in same ways!

Would freezing an object be physical change or chemical change?

Physical changes and Chemical changes are both the same - this would be a reversible change.

What are the similarities between chemical and physical changes?

Both chemical and physical changes involve a transformation of matter. In physical changes, the substance's chemical composition remains the same, while in chemical changes, new substances are formed as a result of a chemical reaction. Both types of changes involve the absorption or release of energy.

What are the chemical and physical changes of photosynthesis?

There are no physical changes. there are only chemical changes.

Changes in properties of matter are called?

physical or chemical changes.

What property stays the same during physical or chemical changes?

The mass.

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Are all physical changes accompanied by a chemical change?

No, physical changes involve a change in appearance, texture, or state of matter without altering the chemical composition of the substance. In contrast, chemical changes result in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties.

Is twisting a wire chemical or physical change explain?

It is physical. The wire changes shape, but it is still made of the same materials.

Difference between chemical and physical change?

A chemical change is when the chemical properties of a substance changes and a physical change is when the chemical properties stay the same but the physical properties (shape, temperature etc...)

Are state changes chemical or physical changes?

Physical Changes

Are all physical changes accompanied by chemical changes?

Not all chemical changes are accompanied by a visible physical change. Most chemical changes however will be accompanied by a physical change.