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They provide fuel for almost all transportation. Planes, trains, and automobiles. It provides electricty through turbines. In a sense it powers all of American.

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Q: Why are coal and petroleum considered to be important sources of energy?
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What are the different types of non-renewable energy?

- Fossil fuel energy sources (coal-natural gas - petroleum - wood) - Nuclear energy sources (fission - fusion). Nuclear energy may be considered as renewable energy source.

What are Traditional energy sources?

Coal, petroleum, natural gas, and propane. All are considered fossil fuels because they formed from the

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Coal, petroleum, nuclear energy.

Will petroleum sources of energy ever come to an end?

If we continue osing petroleum, obviously they will.

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Yes it is.

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Petroleum is considered a non-renewable energy because it is a fossil fuel.

What are the 3 largest sources of energy?

Petroleum, natural gas, and coal

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What are 4 nonrenewable resources?

Oil and petroleum productsNatural gasUraniumCoalAll of the above are energy sources in which only a finite amount of fuel exists. These are considered to be non-renewable resources.