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because they can

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Q: Why are conic projetion maps cone shapes?
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How do you use conic projection in a sentence?

Conic projection is, essentially, a map that is a cone then flattened. An example sentence is: Conic projection helps a lot of people understand maps clearer.

How do you use project in a sentence?

Conic projection is, essentially, a map that is a cone then flattened. An example sentence is: Conic projection helps a lot of people understand maps clearer.

What are facts about conic projection maps?

1)They are made by wrapping a cone of paper around a globe .2)A map containing several conic projections are called a Polyconic.3)When you wrap the paper around the globe to make conic projection it has to be at a certain line of lattitude .

What are the four categories of maps?

conic, planar, cylindrical, and azimuthal

What type of map is produced by fitting together a series of map projections?

These maps are called conic maps.

How do Mercator Robinson and Conic projections differ?

Mercator and conic projections are different because conic projections have a cone/triangle shape and they are the same because both are type of maps..... I know really bad answer but I hope this helped

What are maps made by combinging several conic projections called?


What is is the definition of conic projections?

Answer: A Conic projection projects points & lines from a globe to a cone. It has little distortion in shape & area of land masses along lines of latitude (curved). Distortion does exist near the top & bottom of the projection (north & south poles). It is NOT useful for traveling long distances. They're very accurate in making maps of small areas because they don't distort the size & shape of the land. They're used to make road maps & weather maps.

Maps can be made by projecting Earth's spherical grid onto a?

That would depend on the type of map. A Mercator projection projects the Earth onto a cylinder, causing distortions at the poles. A "conic" projection projects the Earth onto a cone. And there are special purpose maps that project the Earth onto a plane.

Does maps or globes show the exact shapes?

Globes usually depict reality. Maps usually have some distortion to them.

What kind of map projects the poles?

The areas furthest from the center point have a great deal of distortion.

Is a conic projection is especially useful when mapping areas at the bottom or top of the globe?

Lambert Conic Conformal projection was created in the 18th century By Johann Lambert .This is just one of severl created.These are commonly used throughout the untied states along with other countrys.They are very usefull in creating maps.