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There is some observational evidence to suggest that ravens (and crows) have a relationship with wolves living in the same area. Ravens have been known to fly ahead of a wolf pack on the hunt and it has been suggested that they may be leading the wolves in the direction of prey.

Ravens, being scavengers, get a good meal from a wolf kill and the wolves get an easier hunt. Symbiosis.

Wolves and ravens have also been observed playing with each other on many occasions.

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11y ago

Crows will pick at your garbage and eat dead animals that still have meat on them. They search for seeds and nuts, too.

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Q: Why are crows called scavengers?
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Why is crow called the scavenger of nature?

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Scavengers of the deciduous forests?

Some are crows.

Are crows protected?

Yes, American crows are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. The estimated population of crows is 31,000,000. Crows are scavengers.

What are three types of scavengers?

some ex. are crows ravens maggots and raccons

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Crows are scavengers. They will eat almost anything. As for drinking I believe the drink water.

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Crows do not kill animals, they are scavengers, so no, they will not eat bantams.

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Vultures are not the only scavengers that fly, for crows are depicted as scavengers also. They sometimes eat from rotting or dying flesh. Sometimes crows steal food from other crows or small animals, but they mainly search for food that is already dead.

What type of animal eats dead?

Scavengers. Crows & vultures are some examples.

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Who eats the dead remains of plants and aimals are?

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