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they break down the body(dead animal) and turn it into nutrients that the plants can use.

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Q: Why are decomposers called natures clean up crew?
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Who is natures clean up crew?


Why are humus called ''natures clean-up crew''?

yes and no, it just depends on how you look at things. some ppl are ver eco friendly, while others palut the earth like crazyy yes some ppl are "natures clean-up crew, and help clean the world. while others don't give to craps about anything or anybody but themselves. so this question isn't one sides.

Are vultures good for the environment?

Yes they are. They are like natures clean up crew, for they eat dead animals, instead of leaving them there to smell and rot.

Why are these organisms called ''nature's clean-up crew''?

live aniamls

What is the role of decomeposers in an ecosystem?

they eat up the dead plants and animals they can be called (the clean up) crew!

Why are tiny creatures decomposers?

Because many creatures such as insects feed off decaying wood or dead animals. They act as a 'clean-up crew' removing rotting plant and animal material that would normally attract bacteria.

What is the word for organisms that get energy from dead things?

Decomposers or scavengers. Scavengers like Tasmanian devils or vultures feast on dead carcasses and get their energy from it. They only get 10% of the original energy in the dead animal. Decomposers such as bacteria and worms decompose the dead leaves or animals by eating them and returning it to the soil. Decomposers and Scavengers are Earth's clean-up crew. When the dead things are decomposed, it is used to create Nitrates, Oxygen, or even fertilizer for plants.

What is a female Crew called?

A crew is still called the crew, no matter whether female or male or both make up the crew.

Need to appy for extreme make over home?

Than have that crew from that one show called clean house make over your home.

What is a ships crew called?

Ships crew

What is a collection of sailors called?

A collection of sailors is called a crew of sailors.

What is a leader called of a pirate crew?

the leader of a pirate crew was called the captain