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They are the primary producers that trap the Sun's energy and thus the basis of all life in the oceans.

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Q: Why are diatoms and other algae important to the ocean?
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Related questions

How are diatoms and kelp different from each other?

diatoms are single celled algae. Kelps are large and are many celled algae.

Are diatoms in glass?

No, diatoms are not found in glass. Diatoms are actually microscopic algae that are encased in a cell wall made of silica. Glass, on the other hand, is produced through melting sand and other materials at high temperatures to create a transparent, solid material.

What protists are plantlike?

Protists that are plantlike include algae, such as diatoms, green algae, red algae, and brown algae. These protists perform photosynthesis to obtain energy, and they can contain chlorophyll or other pigments that give them a green, red, or brown coloration.

Are diatoms zooplankton?

No, diatoms are not zooplankton. Diatoms are a type of phytoplankton, which are microscopic photosynthetic organisms that form the base of the marine food chain. Zooplankton, on the other hand, are a diverse group of small animals that feed on phytoplankton and other organic matter in the ocean.

How do bacteria in the sea help nourish diatoms?

Bacteria in the sea help nourish diatoms by breaking down organic matter, such as dead algae and detritus, into simpler forms like dissolved organic carbon. These simpler forms serve as nutrients for diatoms, supporting their growth and productivity. In return, diatoms release organic matter and exudates that can be used as food sources for bacteria, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

What types of algae can be multicellular or unicellular?

Algae can be multicellular, such as brown algae (like kelp) or red algae (like nori). They can also be unicellular, such as green algae (like Chlorella) or diatoms. Algae exhibit a wide range of forms and structures, allowing them to thrive in various aquatic environments.

What types of algae are in the deep ocean?

In the deep ocean, common types of algae include diatoms, dinoflagellates, and coccolithophores. These algae play a crucial role in the ocean's ecosystem by providing food for various marine organisms and contributing to carbon cycling.

Are Ocean currents are determined by algae?

Algae have very little to do with ocean currents, other than the fact that they ride it occasionally.

What are important plants for the ocean?

There are a wide variety of plants that live in the ocean, both plants with roots attached to the sea floor and plants which float in the water. The most common ocean plant is phytoplankton. Other plants include kelp, seagrass, and many types of algae,

Where does green algae?

Green Algae lives in the ocean and in other water features thanks Google

Is a diatom an autotroph?

Yes, diatoms are autotrophs because they can photosynthesize to produce their own food using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and other nutrients. They are a type of algae that play a significant role in marine and freshwater ecosystems.

Why are algae important to other organisms?
