

Why are electromagnets needed?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: Why are electromagnets needed?
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What is needed to produce electromagnets?

electric current

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Do electromagnets affect glue?

Electromagnets do not affect glue.

How are electromagnets different from magnets?

You can turn electromagnets on and off.

Electromagnets are generally weaker than permanent magnets?

Depends on the size. One good example of a powerful electromagnet is the one used to lift cars at junk yards. Permanent magnets are not used for that due to the sheer power needed to lift cars. Also, electromagnets can be turned ON and OFF making them useful in picking up and then dropping the junk cars as needed. Another big example of electromagnets are the ones used on power generators to generate electric power.

What is the two other instruments or device that use electromagnets to operateexpain how they work?

One instrument or device that uses electromagnets to operate is a generator for an automobile. The electromagnets are called brushes because they constantly brush the side of the barrel to generate power. Another device is a starter for a car. This operates in the same way, except the starter turns off when it is not longer needed.

How are electromagnets different from permanent magnet?

You can turn electromagnets on and off.

Do food processors have electromagnets?

Yes, food processors do have electromagnets.

Are all electromagnets magnetic?

All electromagnets are magnetic when they are turned on.

Where use electromagnets?

Inside of electric motors are electromagnets and permanent magnets. In a metal junk yard large electromagnets are used to pick up metal. In MRI's large electromagnets are used for imaging.

What are the electromagnets called that are used at junkyards?

The electromagnets that are used in junkyards are called just that, electromagnets. They are used to sort out different types of metals.

Does an iron box use electromagnets?

no there is no use of electromagnets in iron box