

Why are guinea pigs ugly?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Actually some people think they are cute it just your opinion.

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Q: Why are guinea pigs ugly?
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Are guinea pigs ugly?

Personally, I don't think guinea pigs are ugly. I think they're very cute and pretty. But it's an opinion. Someone might think guinea pigs are ugly. There is no clear answer because this question is answered by an opinion.

How much pounds do guineapigs have to weight?

GUinea pigs of very ugly animals. In order to be less ugly, they must weigh alot. The fattiness and chubbiness of a guinea pig produces lipids and fat cells which cause the guniea pig to be much less ugly. Therefore, Guinea pigs must weigh at least 965 pounds

Why are guinea pigs so cute?

because you are so ugly there is no comparisssion ohh no dip sherlock

Are guinea pigs a pig or?

No!!!!!!!They are actually part of the rodent family.

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How many guinea pigs do guinea pigs have?

I have three

Who gave the name 'guinea pigs' to guinea pigs?

Not sure, but guinea pigs aren't type of pigs. They're in the rodents family, and NOT pigs. Hope this helped?

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Peruvians cook guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are native there and they are called Cuy.

Do guinea pigs or gerbils produce gnats?

No. Gerbils produce gerbils and guinea pigs produce guinea pigs

What is guinea pig litter?

Male Guinea Pigs are called Boars, female Guinea Pigs are called Sows, and babby Guinea Pigs are called Pups. A group of Guinea Pigs is called a Herd. :)

Do they eat Guinea pigs in Equatorial Guinea?

No. Also, there aren't any guinea pigs in Equatorial Guinea.

Are guinea pigs vegans?

Yes, guinea pigs are herbivores.