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I believe they are called chemical messengers because of their function and the fact it is a chemical. They travel through the blood and target cells respond to hormones often because of their structure.

I have read in a science book (McDougal Littell 's Human Biology) that they are called chemical messengers because they are made at one location and function at another.

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4d ago

Hormones are called chemical messengers because they are chemical substances produced by glands in the endocrine system that travel through the bloodstream to target cells or organs, where they regulate various physiological functions. In this way, hormones transmit signals and information between cells and coordinate activities throughout the body.

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The endocrine system produces chemical messengers called hormones. Examples of hormones include thyroxine, adrenaline, and estrogen.

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The chemical messages are called as hormones. They are released by the ductless endocrine glands into the bloodstream.

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Yes, endocrine hormones act as chemical messengers. The circulatory system carries them to target tissues, where they carry messages to regulate body processes.

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Hormones are called "chemical messengers". They carry information to cells in a way similar to nerve impulses. The nerve impulses are cell to cell. Hormones direct activities.