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The higher the light atop the lighthouse is the farther it can be seen so it can save more boats from crashing

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Q: Why are light houses tall?
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State with the most light houses?

The state with the most light houses is Michigan.

How tall was Tudor houses?

Not tall enough to be tall, but not short enough to be small.

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How tall are long houses?

12 feet

Why are light houses made?

Light houses are made to direct boats to a port or dock at night when they can't see as well.

How do light houses shine?

it has a giant light bulb that spins around

Why were light houses built?

To prevent shipwrecks

What did plantation houses look like?

basically, just square and tall

What are light houses made out of?

granite, brick or wood

What are 4 things that make light?

lava lamps, matches, flares, light houses

What do elks build their houses with?

Elk don't build houses. They live on and off of the land, which is the forest. They sleep in tall grass and then move on.

Why aren't light houses look the same?

because where they are located