

Why are men always mardy?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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16y ago

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Men can seem mardy (awkward, uncooperative, bad tempered, whiny, aloof, terse, or speak abruptly) at times. The best explanation would most likely be that their left (speech) hemispheres and their right (emotion) hemispheres in their brains do not communicate with each other as well as those of women. This mostly has to do with the bridge between the two called the corpus callosum. In women it is 23% larger.

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i didnt mean to answer mardy thurday by the way JUST mardy, mardy is a very northern word and can sometimes be a quite offensive word because it is kind of embarrising to be called mardy because i can garuantee you will always say I AM NOT BEING MARDY, it is probably made most famous by the arctic monkeys in the song mardy bum which is a lighter phrase, being mardy is a child like behaviour in adults. you can be mardy in loads of different situations but say for example, you want to go somewhere like a park or to get something to eat and your girlfriend/boyfriend doesnt want to and you say "doesnt matter then forget it" and then they say "we can do that if you want really want" this is the point where you become mardy and say "no honestly it doesnt matter" even though you really want to do whatever it is you are talking about, then you spend the rest of the day being "mardy" and not speaking just giving yes and no answers whether you do thing or not. if it is quite a serious level of mardiness you can say stop being such a MARD but if its a bit more playfull and doesnt get as serious you could say YOU ARE BEING A MARDY BUM

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Mardy Fish was born on December 9, 1981

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Mardy Collins was born on August 4, 1984.

When was Mardy Collins born?

Mardy Collins was born on August 4, 1984.

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Mardy Fish was born on December 9, 1981.

When is Mardy Fish's birthday?

Mardy Fish was born on December 9, 1981

How old is Mardy Collins?

Mardy Collins is 27 years old (birthdate: August 4, 1984).

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Yes he is.

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