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Because of the way they are bonded chemically. Metallic bonds have free-moving electrons and form a crystalline structure, helping transfer of the thermal energy.

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3w ago

Metals are good conductors of thermal energy because they have free electrons that can move easily between atoms, carrying heat energy quickly throughout the material. This mobility of electrons allows metals to efficiently transfer thermal energy from one place to another.

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15y ago

Maybe it works better!!

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3y ago

Metals are excellent conductors because the atoms in a metal form a matrix through which their outer electrons can move freely.

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Q: Why are metals good conductor of thermal energy?
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A good thermal conductor is something that transfers thermal energy efficiently. Materials like metals, such as copper and aluminum, are known for their ability to conduct heat effectively.

What is good thermal?

easily heated metals and a good conductor of heat also cold

What is a good conductor of thermal energy?

Copper is a good conductor of thermal energy due to its high thermal conductivity. It is widely used in applications where heat transfer is important, such as in electrical wiring and heat exchangers.

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Is nickel a good thermal conductor?

Nickel is a relatively good thermal conductor compared to many other metals, but it is not as efficient as copper or aluminum. It has a thermal conductivity of about 90 W/mK, which falls between copper and stainless steel.

Which is the name given to any material that transfers thermal energy easily?

Materials that transfer thermal energy easily are called "good conductors." These materials have a high thermal conductivity and allow heat to flow through them quickly and efficiently. Metals such as copper and aluminum are examples of good conductors of heat.

Is a nonmetal a good conductor of thermal energy?

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Are lead good conductor of heat?

No, lead is not a good conductor of heat. It has a low thermal conductivity compared to other metals such as copper or aluminum.