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The GHG gases are called that name as they enhance the retention of solar heat in the Earth'ds atmosphere.Carbon dioxide is increasing because we burn fossil fuels for energy while reducing the amount of plant and forest cover that could remove it from the atmosphere.

Methane is increasing because the farming practices around ruminants release digestive gases rich in methane. In addition the heating from the warmer air is releasing methane from permafrost and undersea methane hydrates..

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Q: Why are methane and carbon dioxide called greenhouse gases Why is the atmospheric presence of greenhouse gases increasing?
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Why is it incorrect to say that greenhouse gases cause global warming?

It is not incorrect, Greenhouse gases are Methane and Carbon Dioxide and their increasing presence in Earth's atmosphere is causing the temperature of the atmosphere to rize (warm).

An increase in atmospheric leads to an increase in the greenhouse effect.?

carbon dioxide

Does carbon dioxide increase the greenhouse effect?

Yes, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect. Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps heat from the Earth's surface, leading to a warming effect known as global warming.

What atmospheric gases enhance the greenhouse effect?

carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4).

What greenhouse gas is raising earth's temperature?

Increasing levels of carbon dioxide, resulting from human activities, are implicated in the recent rise in average global temperatures. Methane, athough in much lower atmospheric concentrations, is also implicated because it is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

Why does concrete contribute to the greenhouse effect?

Concrete is made from cement, and the manufacture of cement releases carbon dioxide that had been sequestered underground for millions of years. Since the greenhouse effect is the result of atmospheric greenhouse gases, principally carbon dioxide, retaining heat, any increase in the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide contributes to the greenhouse effect and therefore to global warming. Because it is made from cement, concrete is an important contributor to the greenhouse effect.

Does the manufacture of concrete contribute to the greenhouse effect?

Yes. Concrete is made from cement, and the manufacture of cement releases carbon dioxide that had been sequestered underground for millions of years. Since the greenhouse effect is the result of atmospheric greenhouse gases, principally carbon dioxide, retaining heat, any increase in the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide contributes to the greenhouse effect and therefore to global warming. Because it is made from cement, concrete is an important contributor to the greenhouse effect.

What has the author Stephen Seidel written?

Stephen Seidel has written: 'Can we delay a greenhouse warming?' -- subject(s): Atmospheric Greenhouse effect, Atmospheric carbon dioxide, Climatic changes, Environmental aspects, Environmental aspects of Atmospheric carbon dioxide, Environmental aspects of Fossil fuels, Fossil fuels, Global temperature changes

Is the main atmospheric gas responsible for the greenhouse effect carbon dioxide?

The normal greenhouse effect which keeps the earth warm enough for life is caused largely by water vapour, with a small effect from carbon dioxide and methane.However, the greenhouse gas responsible for the present enhanced greenhouse effect is carbon dioxide, yes.

Do greenhouse gases increase global temperature?

Yes. In the absence of greenhouse gases, the world would be some 30 degrees celsius colder. At the other extreme, greenhouse gases contribute to the extreme heat on the planet Venus. So, a normal level of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, is very desirable. The present increase in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide is considered to be the main cause of increasing average global temperatures.

What atmospheric gases help to heat the earth?

The atmospheric gases carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are all greenhouse gases that help to heat the Earth.

Which gas is increasing in the atmosphere and intensifying the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide is doing both these things.