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12y ago

they are different because digestive system is stupid. and monogastric system is smart and efficient.

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Q: What does a Monogastric stomach do?
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What is the primary feature of a monogastric animal?

Monogastric means "one stomach".

What is a single animation called?

Monogastric; having and using one stomach is called monogastric digestion.

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What is a single stomached animal called?

Monogastric; having and using one stomach is called monogastric digestion.

Are pigs monogastric?

Yes theyre are they have one stomach like humans

What is the difference between a ruminant and the monogastric digestive system?

A monogastric has only one stomach whereas with the ruminant its stomach is made up of four compartments - the rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum.

Is a deer a monogastric or ruminant?

Yes, the horse has only one true stomach compartment, but they are actually pseudoruminants because they have an enlarged cecum.

How does the abomasum in a cow work?

It works the very same way that your stomach does. The abomasum is considered the true stomach because it secretes the same acids and enzymes as a human or monogastric's stomach would.

Is the cheetah monogastric or ruminant?


The palomino horse has what kind of digestive track?

The palomino horse a monogastric digestive system, (it has a single stomach with a single stomach chamber, as opposed to a ruminant digestive system, which has a four-chambered stomach. )

Is the stomach of a giraffe the same as a humans?

Giraffes, like cows, are ruminants. They have a four-compartment stomach which can pass partially digested food around to aid the digestion of plant matter. The final stomach compartment, called the abomasum, is the closest equivalent to the stomach of a monogastric animal such as a human.

Are roosters monogastric?

no they are not