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Q: Why are numbers important in Chinese?
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How many numbers in a Chinese passport?

There are nine numbers in a Chinese passport.

Why was porcelain important to the Chinese?

porcelain was important to the Chinese because the Chinese used it a lot

Who made the Chinese numbers?


Who invented directed numbers?

the Chinese invented directed numbers:)

Was health important to Chinese people?

health was very important to Chinese people

Does the number been used in Chinese?

Yes, Chinese people use the Arabic numerals, and Chinese has their own numbers writing in Chinese!

Are Numbers Important?

Numbers are extremely important.

What is most important in early Chinese society?

The most important in early Chinese society was the family.

How do you write 2012 in Chinese numbers?


Why were rice bowls important to the Chinese?

They are important because it is good with every meal (I'm Chinese, trust me)

Why is the moon so important to the Chinese?

the moon was important to the Chinese because it, in a way, helped them win a rebellion

Where can you learn how to read Chinese numbers?

You can learn how to read these online or in a Chinese to English dictionary. The dictionary is mostly for word but it has numbers in the end or beginning depending on who made it.