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Palm oil is the biggest threat to the orangutan life. Palm oil is in many foods, drinks and even in cosmetics like lipstick. the reason Orangutans are being killed is becasue the palm oil company's see the Orangutans who are living on their land so they kill them. but the only reason why the orangutans are on their land is because of the deforestation to make room for the palms.

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Q: Why are orangutans being killed?
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What animals are being killed during palm oil plantations?

the animals are being killed or injured during palm oi plantations are mostly orangutans

What is happening to orangutans?

they are dying. this is because of palm oil plantations. they are being killed and babies are being sold to the black market beacuse people consider them to be cute.

Why are some female orangutans killed by humans?

Female orangutans are killed by humans when they are trying to take the babies away from the orangutan. The female will do everything in her power to try and protect her young.

How are Sumatran orangutans being protected?

Some zoo keepers keep orangutans in the zoo.

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Orangutans are endangered because primarily because their habitat is being destroyed. They are also illegally killed because they are seen as pests by the local farmers, they are hunted, and adults are killed so that the babies can be sold in the illegal pet trade.

Do Orangutans Get Married?

Yes they do, doesn't everyone, they have a little honeymoon getting killed by a machete. They have a great life!

Can orangutans ever attacked?

Yes. Orangutans are very strong and can easily kill people.

What would happen if chimpanzees were to be killed off?

monkeys, gorillas, orangutans, and lemurs would be lonely. Just kidding. I have no idea. :)

How does deforestation affect orangutans?

Orangutans are animals adapted to live in the forest, they can not live anywhere else. If the forest is all cut down all the Orangutans that lived in it will die because they have nowhere left to live. Humans are rapidly cutting down all the forests that Orangutans live in and this means that if we do not stop doing this Orangutans will become extinct. The people who live in the places where Orangutans are to be found know this yet they still cut down the forests, When there is not more forest and no more Orangutans, this will be their fault and there will be environmental consequences - they will pay for this stupidity. -------------------------------------------------------------------- In many ways have they been affected. Most of the population of the orangutans are being killed and the population is decreasing. So if the deforestation keeps on going on and on and on. Then in about two decades they will probably most definitely be extinct.