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Because they are made of Gas.

Different Gasses...

Gas Giants include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

They are made of Gas and etc. because they are big. Bigger than the Earth and comparable to the Sun.

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14y ago

there called gaseous planets because they are the planets made of gas

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Q: Why are the outer planets made of gases?
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Are the outer planets made of gases?


How do the inner planets diffrer from the outer planets?

the inner planets made up of rocks while the outer planets are made up of gases and liquids.

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What is a characteristic of all outer planets?

The outer plants are made out of gases mostly.

Could you land on the outer planets?

No. The outer planets do not have solid surfaces. Those planets are made of gases held together by gravity.

How do the inner planets differ from the outer?

The outer planets are mostly composed of gases and the inner planets are mostly made of rock, metals.

Are the inner and outer planets different?

The inner planets are all rocky planets. The outer planets are completely made up of gases. The inner planets are much smaller than the outer planets.

The outer planets are made of what two gases?

Helium and hydrogen =|

What outer planets don't have gases?

They are all made of gas

The outer planets are made up of what gases?

The outer planets are made up of mostly hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of water, ammonia and methane. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

How are the inner planets and the outer planets different and alike?

the inner planets are made of rock, ice and other materials while the outer planets are made of different kinds of gases except for pluto.

What are the two major ways that the terrestrial planets and the jovian planets differ?

The four inner planets are made of rock . The outer planets are made of various gases and condenced gases. Hydrogen being prominante.