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Platelets help heal your wound, the scabs that form are the platelets

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Q: Why are platelets important when you have a cut?
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What you get a cut on your finger what part of the blood helps clot the blood?

Your veins is more important if you got a cut Platelets. These are the cells involved in the clotting of blood at the site of a cut. Without platelets after cutting yourself you would exsanguinate.

Why is blood platelets important?

Platelets - are the cells that clump together to form clots when we bleed. Without platelets, if you had a cut finger, it would bleed without stopping.

Why is platelet important?

Platelets - are the cells that clump together to form clots when we bleed. Without platelets, if you had a cut finger, it would bleed without stopping.

What is the job of platelets in our body?

Platelets contain clotting factors that cause them to stick together, which stops bleeding from an opened blood vessel by solidifying the blood (hemostasis). Platelets also carry the growth factors (PDGF) that stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, which is called angiogenesis.

When you cut yourself platelets in your body rush to the wound to form what?

Platelets form a clot at the site of a cut.

Why are platelets important to the blood?

platelets help in clotting they are very important

Why are platelets important in physical activitysports?

platelets form blood clotting, so when a performer has an injury, such as a cut or graze, platelets in the blood form fibres and (blood clots, preventing blood flow) and a scab is formed over the wound to prevent infection.

What makes your blood clot from cut?


What part of blood helps to close the cut?


What do the platelets help blood to do when you have a cut?

Clotting. It stops the bleeding.

What is more important erythrocytes or platelets?

both are important

What happens when you cut your self?

WHEN YOU CUT YOURSELF bleeding starts bleeding stops by Platelets which clot the bloodSave