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They feed their young milk produced by their body, that defines the mammal, reproduction isn't important in whether it is a mammal.

Further information:

The defining trait of a mammal is to have mammary glands, to produce milk for its young. The platypus produces its milk from numerous glands over its underside, unlike other mammals which have teats.

There are other reasons why platypuses are classified as mammals, such as having skin, hair or fur, being warm blooded and breathing via lungs (not gills).

It just happens that platypuses, like echidnas, are egg-laying mammals, or monotremes. But they are still mammals.

Most mammals are also characterised by the following anatomical features, which are shared by the platypus:

- A flexible neck with seven cervical vertebrae

- Mammals also show enhanced neocortex development

- Sound is produced by the larynx (a modified region of the trachea)

- limbs are oriented vertically

- The mammalian heart has 4 chambers

- Internal temperature is generally high

- Egg development occurs in the uterus (excluding monotremata)

- They have sweat glands

- A single jaw bone

- Diaphragm

- Three bones for a middle ear

- Give birth to young alive

- Feeds milk to its young

- Has hair on its body

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11y ago
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11y ago

Platypuses are mammals because, like all mammals, they feed their young on mothers' milk. This is despite their being egg-laying mammals. The defining trait of a mammal is to have mammary glands, to produce milk for its young. The platypus produces its milk from numerous glands over its underside, and the milk runs into grooves from which the young drink. This is unlike other mammals which have teats.

There are other reasons why platypuses are classified as mammals, such as having skin, hair or fur, being warm blooded and breathing via lungs (not gills).

Most mammals are also characterised by the following anatomical features, which the platypus shares:

- A flexible neck with seven cervical vertebrae

- Mammals also show enhanced neocortex development

- Sound is produced by the larynx (a modified region of the trachea)

- limbs are oriented vertically

- The mammalian heart has 4 chambers

- Internal temperature is generally high

- Egg development occurs in the uterus (excluding monotremata)

- They have sweat glands

- A single lower jaw bone

- Diaphragm

- Three bones for a middle ear

- Give birth to young alive

- Feeds milk to its young

- Has hair on its body

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7y ago

Yes. Platypuses are monotremes, which are egg-laying mammals. Characteristics which platypuses share with mammals are:

  • mammals have fur, skin or hair
  • they breathe through lungs, not gills
  • they are warmblooded vertebrates
  • they suckle their young on mothers' milk
Most mammals are also characterised by the following anatomical features, which the platypus shares:

- A flexible neck with seven cervical vertebrae

- Mammals also show enhanced neocortex development

- Sound is produced by the larynx (a modified region of the trachea)

- limbs are oriented vertically

- The mammalian heart has 4 chambers

- Internal temperature is generally high

- Egg development occurs in the uterus (excluding monotremata)

- They have sweat glands

- A single jaw bone

- Diaphragm

- Three bones for a middle ear

- Give birth to young alive

- Feeds milk to its young

- Has hair on its body

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7y ago

They sort of squeak into the mammal category as they are warm blooded animals with fur that nurse their babies with milk. But yeah, the whole egg laying thing makes you wonder about them, doesn't it?

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No. Platypuses are mammals, and mammals do not have gizzards. In the case of the platypus, the food is broken down by the platypus's grinding plates in its jaw.

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The platypus has two lungs, like all mammals do.

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The platypus belongs to the subfamily of monotremes. Monotremes are egg-laying mammals.

What sub-phylum is the platypus in?

The platypus, like all mammals, is in the sub-phylum "vertebrata".

How platypus related to birds?

The platypus is not related to birds. They are monotremes. (mammals that lay eggs.)

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The answer is "all mammals give birth to live young". Though today we know that is not entirely true. For example, the platypus is a mammal and it lays eggs.

Does a platypus have lungs?

Yes. The platypus is a mammal and all mammals have lungs. Even marine mammals such as dolphins and whales must use lungs to breathe. When swimming, the platypus must surface regularly to breathe.