

Why are platypuses like birds?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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they have duck bills/beaks

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Q: Why are platypuses like birds?
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Related questions

What group such as birds and mammals do platypuses belong in?

Platypuses are mammals. Specifically, they are monotremes, or egg-laying mammals.

Are ducks and platypuses related?

No. Ducks are birds and the Platypus is a monotreme which is an egg-laying mammal.

Why are platypuses like reptiles?

The only way in which platypuses are like reptiles is that they lay eggs.

Are Platypuses considered a type of beaver duck or just in their own category?

Platypuses are completely within their own category - a sub-group known as monotremes. Platypuses are definitely not a type of beaver. Beavers are placental mammals, while platypuses are monotremes, which are egg-laying mammals. Ducks are not even remotely related to platypuses, as they are birds.

If platypuses are the only mammals to lay eggs how can penguins lay eggs?

Penguins are not mammals. They are referred to as flightless birds. Therefore, they are egg laying. It is also not true that platypuses are the only mammals to lay eggs. Echidnas (both the short beaked and the long beaked variety), like platypuses, are also monotremes, i.e. egg-laying mammals.

What do platypuses feel like?

Platypuses have dense, velvety fur. Their bill is leathery, not hard.

Do platypuses experience puberty?

Like all mammals, platypuses reproduce by sexual means.

What do mother platypuses feed their young?

Platypuses are mammals: therefore, mother platypuses, like all mammals, feed their young on mothers' milk.

Do platypuses roar?

Platypuses do not roar. At most, they make a soft, puppy-like growling sound.

Can platypuses give birth?

No. Platypuses, like echidnas, are monotremes, meaning they are egg-laying mammals. Baby platypuses hatch from soft, leathery eggs.

How is a platypus like a reptile?

The platypus is nothing like a bird. It is an egg-laying mammal. The eggs it lays are soft-shelled and leathery, unlike a bird's eggs, which are hard-shelled. There are some general characteristics which are similar. Birds and platypuses are both air-breathing endothermic vertebrates. Birds and platypuses both have a cloaca, a single vent for both reproduction and waste.

What is the platypuses appearance?

It has a duck like beak.