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Thye eegs have a soft shell that keeps the young inside from dying out.

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Unless they are well-adapted to aquatic life (whales, seals, crocodiles, seabirds), mammals live on the land because they breathe air through their lungs, not from water through gills.

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Q: Why are reptiles eggs able to survive in dry places?
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Are snapping turtles mammals?

Snapping turtles are not mammals, but reptiles. Turtles lay eggs, which mammals don't, that are able to survive out of water

What is the relationship between the kind of eggs reptiles produce and where reptiles can live?

Both of them don't require water to survive.

What is relationship between the kind of eggs reptiles produce and where reptiles can live?

Both of them don't require water to survive.

Why are some animals born in eggs?

SOme animals are born in eggs usually for protection. It is because if they were born without eggs, they would not be able to survive. SOmetimes it is because they hatch under water or in the sand.

What is an important characteristic of the eggshell of a reptile?

Reptile eggs are defined by having an amnios. Amphibian eggs must be deposited with water. This evolutionary development allowed reptiles to more effectively dominate the terrestrial world since their eggs would be able to survive the arid land.

Why don't reptiles return to damp places to lay eggs?

Their eggs need warmth, and damp places may mean the eggs being attacked by mould. There is enough moisture inside the egg.

What are tough leathery eggs of reptiles and birds called?

Most reptile eggs are leathery to protect them when laid in holes where they drop into contact with other eggs and it serves to make them more resiliant when covring the eggs with sand, dirt and other debris to conceal them.

Do reptiles birth from eggs or womb?

Most reptiles lay eggs.

Do Fish and reptiles lay eggs?

fish and reptiles lay eggs

Do reptiles lay eggs for their babies?

reptiles lay eggs, if thats what you mean

How many species of snakes lay eggs?

Snakes are reptiles, and all reptiles lay eggs. That is a basic characteristic of reptiles.

Do reptiles lay eggs or born alive?

Eggs. Reptiles are cold blooded and NOT mammals.