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Be careful with the term dangerous when talking about rollerblades. Rollerblading is a very popular sport across the world and the dangers that exist within the sports activity are typically a result of an inexperienced user or a careless skater.

Some of the hazards that you can run into that make the activity "dangerous" are first and foremost, falling. First timers and beginners are the ones who will fall the most because they are still working on getting their proper balance. Additionally, once they get moving, they're unable to stop or afraid to use the rear brake of the skate.

Other hazards are skating in areas that are too challenging for the skill level, trying to do tricks on skates that are not designed to do tricks, or doing tricks without knowing how to do them. Finally, not wearing protective equipment is a big one. The helmet is the most important piece of protective equipment, followed by wrist guards. Knee and elbow pads are also recommended to protect against injury.

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1w ago

Rollerblades can be dangerous to use because they have a small contact patch with the ground, which can lead to loss of control and accidents. Additionally, high speeds and lack of braking mechanisms can make it difficult to stop suddenly or navigate uneven surfaces, increasing the risk of falls and injuries. Inexperienced users may also have trouble maintaining balance, further raising the likelihood of accidents.

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