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They are placed facing the equator so they can catch the most sunlight. This means facing south in the northern hemisphere, and facing north in the Southern Hemisphere.

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Q: Why are solar panels placed on south facing roofs?
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Related questions

What is the stuff on roofs that converts the sun's energy into electricity called?

Solar panels

Why should people get solar panels?

People should get solar panels to take advantage of the free sunlight falling on their roofs. The price of solar panels is reducing every year, and the return is coming more and more quickly. The more people have PV panels on their roofs, the fewer new fossil fuel (coal, oil and natural gas) power plants have to be built, reducing the rate of global warming.

Why solar panels are not mounted on the cars roofs for fuel efficiency?

Expensive, and will save very little energy. Not practical.

What are bad things about solar power?

Its expensive to build, or put solar panels on house roofs. It has a long payback time. Solar panels are ugly and big. The sun isnt always out, especially in places like UK, where as Spain it would be perfect.

How do you make a sentence with the word solar?

Solar energy is good. But it is very expensive.

Is solar panels a solar-powered calculator?

no but solar panels are in solar calculators

Does green day help the environment?

I'm sure they have solar panels on their roofs and they recycle too but that's not why they named them selves green day

Objects powered by solar energy?

Mainly calculators but here is alot of things solar powered but here is a few: - solar panels - solar powered appliances - solar powered shades - solar powered water heaters - solar powered lights - solar powered roofs

Can solar panels be placed on a mobile homes roof?

Yes, they can.. You need to have them installed an wired properly though

How do you spell solar panels?

Solar panels is correct.

What do you call a group of solar panels?

An installation of solar panels.

Are solar panels hot?

In general solar panels are not hot. when panels are heated by the sun rays panels get hot