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Gases can have different densities due to variations in their molecular weight. Heavier gases have molecules that are larger and/or more massive, leading to a higher density. Additionally, intermolecular forces and temperature can also affect the density of gases.

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Q: Why are some gases heavier than others?
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How is oxygen gas heavier?

Oxygen gas is considered heavier than other gases (like nitrogen and helium) because the oxygen molecule (O2) has a higher molecular weight due to its two oxygen atoms bonded together. This higher molecular weight causes oxygen gas to be denser and therefore heavier than some other gases.

Does a lighter gas effuse slower than heavier gases?

No, lighter gases effuse faster than heavier gases. This is because the rate of effusion is inversely proportional to the square root of the molar mass of the gas. Lighter gases have lower molar masses, which results in faster effusion speeds.

Why are some atoms are heavier than others?

some atoms are heavier than others as they have higher relative Atomic Mass, by which is equals to proton number + number of neutrons in an atom, according to the Periodic Table of the elements

What can gases do that solids cant?

Gases can expand to fill any container they are placed in because their particles are not confined to a fixed position like in solids. Gases can also easily be compressed to decrease their volume, which is not possible for solids due to their fixed arrangement of particles. Additionally, gases have higher kinetic energy and move more freely than solids.

Would a gas sink or float in water?

It would depend on the density of the gas compared to the density of water. Normally, gases like oxygen and nitrogen would float in water because they are less dense than water. However, some heavier gases like sulfur hexafluoride can sink in water because they are denser than water.

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What gases are heavier than helium?

Helium exists as a monatomic gas, with atomic mass of 4.0. Thus any gas with a molecular mass higher than 4.0 would be heavier than helium. Hydrogen is the only gas that is lighter than helium; all others are heavier than helium.

Which gasses are heavier than oxygen?

Gases that are heavier than oxygen include nitrogen, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon. These gases have greater atomic or molecular weights than oxygen, making them heavier.

Why then do some objects fall through the air at different rate than others?

Some may be may be heavier and have more mass than others.

Why then do some object fall through the air at a different rate than others?

Some may be may be heavier and have more mass than others.

Why are some cupboards heavier than others?

because there from different trees and some trees are heavier also if they are made out of metal it is the amount of metal they put in it.

Why is water heavier than the two gasses that compose it?

fluids are heavier than gases. When hydrogen its by itself is lighter than water as so the oxygen is also lighter. Once combined they form a fluid thus the combination of two gases produced a fluid which will turn heavier.

Why are some objects heavier than others?

Objects are heavier than others due to differences in their mass and density. Mass is the amount of matter in an object, while density is how compact that matter is. Objects with higher mass or higher density will be heavier than those with lower mass or lower density.

Why do some gases travel faster than others?

Gases travel at different speeds due to variations in their molecular mass, with lighter molecules moving faster than heavier ones. The speed of gas molecules is also influenced by temperature, with higher temperatures generally causing faster molecular motion. Additionally, the presence of other gases or obstacles may impact the speed at which gas molecules can travel.

How is oxygen gas heavier?

Oxygen gas is considered heavier than other gases (like nitrogen and helium) because the oxygen molecule (O2) has a higher molecular weight due to its two oxygen atoms bonded together. This higher molecular weight causes oxygen gas to be denser and therefore heavier than some other gases.

Why do some objects float and others do not?

because some objects are much denser(heavier) than water so they sink

Why are some smaller planet is heavier than the bigger ones?

some smaller planets are more dense then the larger ones that are made up of mostly gases.