

Why are some things sound proof?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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15y ago

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Maybe because some people doesn't want other people to hear them or something

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1w ago

Some materials, like dense foam or specialized insulation, can absorb sound waves effectively and prevent them from passing through. This helps to create a barrier that reduces the transmission of noise, making an area soundproof. Additionally, structures with multiple layers or air gaps can also block sound by dispersing and absorbing the energy of the waves.

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To soundproof walls, you can add mass by using dense materials like drywall or mass-loaded vinyl, seal any gaps and cracks with acoustical caulk, and add sound-absorbing materials like acoustic panels or foam. You can also consider adding an extra layer of drywall with green glue sandwiched in between for additional soundproofing.

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Acoustic foam or fiberglass insulation are good materials for soundproofing a shoe box. You can also use mass-loaded vinyl sheets or foam pads to reduce noise leakage. Make sure to cover all internal surfaces of the box for best results.

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