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Because they're very close to each other geographically.

Japan adopted a lot of its culture from China.

Maybe, people migrated eastwards from china through Korea to Japan. So Japan China and Korea have common ancestors

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Q: Why are the Chinese and Japanese art literature and way of living similar?
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What was the rationale for the supreme court to uphold the internment of Japanese Americans in 1944?

America was scared that the American Japanese that were living there were spys

How many Japanese Americans were living on the west coast in 1941?


Who received an apology and money from the federal government as a result of their internment during world war 2?

Japanese Americans living in the U.S. and Hawaii.

Who were the victims of Nanking massacre?

Chinese men, women and children living in Nanjing, China circa 1937-38.Not only Chinese but also Humanity!

What is the best describes the role of West Coast newspapers in provoking fear of Japanese people in the 1940s?

It is not fair to blame the US newspapers for "provoking" fear of the Japanese. The Japanese went to great efforts to create an environment of fear in Asia by attacking & invading China, murdering Chinese civilians & engaged in large scale looting, burning, rape & brutality towards the Chinese population. The "Rape of Nanking" was a sensational but true event that soiled the reputation of Japan before the war. When Japan joined the Axis (with Hitler & Mussolini), that further concerned Americans. American fears of the reckless brutality of the Japanese were well founded & reconfirmed by the actual events of World War Two. If your question is about the fear of Japanese-Americans living on the US West Coast, then you should examine the reasons for the fear before you assume that all this fear as unprovoked & irrational. Most of those placed in the relocation camps were not a threat, however there were large numbers that were a threat, or refused to swear allegiance to the US. The US knew that the Japanese had many intelligence agents working for the Japanese government living among the Japanese-Americans. There was a suspicion that the numbers of dangerous Japanese-Americans was in a higher proportion than among German-Americans or Italian-Americans.

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People living in china and people living in japan?

people living in china are called chinese and people living in japan are called japanese

Do Asians only include Chinese and Japanese and Korean?

All Asians include all living in Asia. So, people living in India count too.

How was the removal of the Japanese similar to the Cherokee?

It was similar because they were both taken out of their homes then put in a camp. They both had poor living conditions like little food, water and you had cramped living conditions, The cherokee and Japanese had to build their own houses. They were different only in a few ways like for one reason their different is different people were put in camps and the japanese were treated a little better and were provided transportation the japanese weren't asked to change their ways of living like the indians were.

How was the removal of Japanese similar to that of Cherokee?

It was similar because they were both taken out of their homes then put in a camp. They both had poor living conditions like little food, water and you had cramped living conditions, The cherokee and Japanese had to build their own houses. They were different only in a few ways like for one reason their different is different people were put in camps and the japanese were treated a little better and were provided transportation the japanese weren't asked to change their ways of living like the indians were.

What is life like living in a Chinese city?


What did Chinese do for a living?

They did many things

What do Japanese do for a living?

gotto scool

What is living room in Japanese?


What did the antient Chinese do for a living?

ancient Chinese farmed and built the great wall.

What is the 'Jade Peony' about?

The Jade Peony is about Japanese living in Canada in the 1930s and 40s.

What argument was used to justify the Japanese American Interment?

The reason then is very similar to post-9/11. America was hit at Pearl Harbor, on our "home" soil - though off-mainland. Americans were terrified Japanese living in the US or Japanese-Americans would aid and abet Japanese living in Japan, letting another attack happen on US soil. Bush reacted in a similar way toward "terrorists" after 9/11---"put them all" at Guatanamo Bay without due process because their countrymen had attacked the US on home soil.

Does China celenbrate Thanksgiving if not why in Chinese and English?

Thanksgiving is an American holiday. It represents the first feast the Pilgrims had when they came to America from England. China does not celebrate Thanksgiving, unless that Chinese person is living in America.