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A painter makes a painting for a customer. The customer is satisfied and shows his painting to friends. One or more of them finds he/they would very much like to have one like it. So he or they commission the painter to paint another version (or more) of the same subject. This was in no way unusual.

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Q: Why are there 3 different versions of Tiepolo's painting Banquet of Cleopatra because when I googled it I found three that depicted almost the same event but in different surroundings?
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What is Cleopatra VII most famous for?

Cleopatra is most famous for her supposed method of death. She is generally depicted with a snake, although this is a myth.

If Cleopatra was Egyptian why was depicted as white?

Cleopatra was not Egyptian, except in name. She was a Macadonian Greek, who's family had ruled Egypt for about 300 years.

What was the name of Cleopatra's snake?

Cleopatra herself had no snake. However, the asp, or Egyptian cobra, was the snake associated with the Egyptian rulers. It was depicted on their crowns and was supposed to be a protection for the Pharaohs. The myth of Cleopatra being bitten by one of them is just that--a myth.

How did Cleopatra get a fake beard?

Cleopatra is not known for wearing a fake beard, but if she for some reason would want one, all she would have to do was order it. The only female Egyptian ruler who was depicted wearing a fake beard was Hatsheput, as in her time the false beard that the pharaohs wore symbolized their divinity and authority. Cleopatra lived in a different time than Hatsheput.

Did the people in roman like Cleopatra as queen?

No, not at all!! the romans hated Cleopatra and often depicted her as an evil siren that lures powerful men to their fall. (aka Julius Caeser and Mark Antony)

Was Cleopatra pretty?

Cleopatra is depicted on the silver screen as a great beauty. We hear that Cleopatra seduced the great Roman leaders Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, and we assume that Cleopatra used her great beauty as a diplomatic aid in putting Egypt on a more favorable footing with Rome. However, we don't know whether Cleopatra was a beauty. Instead, what evidence we have seems to suggest she was not.

Who is the author that depicted Cleopatra love story?

Everyone who could use a scroll and a pen, paper and ink, typewriter and computer has depicted some type of love story about Cleopatra. From Shakespeare to Shaw, to historians needing a publication, to romance novelists fictionalizing her relationships it seems (at times) that half the writing world is caught up in Cleopatra's so-called love life. Check you local library, you'll get an arm long list of Cleopatraphites.

What did Cleopatra wear around her neck?

Cleopatra's wore a necklace around her neck. Depending on the occasion, it would be either a symbol of her authority or divinity. Egyptian tastes in jewelry ran to the bright and colorful. For other occasions, such as depicted on her coins, she preferred pearls.

Where is Cleopatra in The Bible?

Cleopatra is not mentioned in the Bible. She was a historical figure who lived during the Roman era, while the events depicted in the Bible primarily took place in ancient Israel.

What kind of jewelry did Cleopatra wear?

Cleopatra seemed to favor pearls, the larger the better. She is depicted on some coins with a strand of pearls wrapped around her throat, and there is the famous story of her dissolving the pearl and drinking it. Remember in the ancient world, pearls were the most valuable gem.

How did Cleopatra do her hair?

She didn't . She had slaves to do it for her. She mostly favored the "melon" style of hairdo where the hair was pulled back in rows and caught in a bun at the nape of the neck. This is how she is depicted on most of her coins.

Was queen Cleopatra evil?

No, not really, although she had been depicted as evil by the Romans and many later writers. The Romans, in particular Octavian, had good reason to depict her as evil. However, in reality, Cleopatra only did what she thought was best for herself and her country by using the only resources she had, which were money and her personality.No, not really, although she had been depicted as evil by the Romans and many later writers. The Romans, in particular Octavian, had good reason to depict her as evil. However, in reality, Cleopatra only did what she thought was best for herself and her country by using the only resources she had, which were money and her personality.No, not really, although she had been depicted as evil by the Romans and many later writers. The Romans, in particular Octavian, had good reason to depict her as evil. However, in reality, Cleopatra only did what she thought was best for herself and her country by using the only resources she had, which were money and her personality.No, not really, although she had been depicted as evil by the Romans and many later writers. The Romans, in particular Octavian, had good reason to depict her as evil. However, in reality, Cleopatra only did what she thought was best for herself and her country by using the only resources she had, which were money and her personality.No, not really, although she had been depicted as evil by the Romans and many later writers. The Romans, in particular Octavian, had good reason to depict her as evil. However, in reality, Cleopatra only did what she thought was best for herself and her country by using the only resources she had, which were money and her personality.No, not really, although she had been depicted as evil by the Romans and many later writers. The Romans, in particular Octavian, had good reason to depict her as evil. However, in reality, Cleopatra only did what she thought was best for herself and her country by using the only resources she had, which were money and her personality.No, not really, although she had been depicted as evil by the Romans and many later writers. The Romans, in particular Octavian, had good reason to depict her as evil. However, in reality, Cleopatra only did what she thought was best for herself and her country by using the only resources she had, which were money and her personality.No, not really, although she had been depicted as evil by the Romans and many later writers. The Romans, in particular Octavian, had good reason to depict her as evil. However, in reality, Cleopatra only did what she thought was best for herself and her country by using the only resources she had, which were money and her personality.No, not really, although she had been depicted as evil by the Romans and many later writers. The Romans, in particular Octavian, had good reason to depict her as evil. However, in reality, Cleopatra only did what she thought was best for herself and her country by using the only resources she had, which were money and her personality.