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Windows are closed during a heat wave to prevent hot air from entering the building and to retain cooler indoor temperatures. This can help reduce the need for air conditioning and lower energy costs. Additionally, keeping windows closed can also help to improve indoor air quality by preventing pollutants and allergens from entering.

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Q: Why are windows close when heat wave?
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How can heat loss be reduced in a house?

close windows danke schon

Why a school might ask teachers to keep the windows closed and the shades down during a heat wave?

It will be easier for the heat to spread into the school when the windows are open and shades are up because of radiation.

When does a heat wave occur?

when the summer is really hot and the sun is getting close to the earth.

How do you prevent heat loss in your house?

Close doors and WINDOWS UP THE CATS!!

What are factors that influences the rate at which heat is gained indoors?

when doors and windows are close

How is a heat wave sensed?

A heat wave is typically sensed through abnormally high temperatures over an extended period, causing discomfort and health risks. Monitoring weather forecasts and heat advisories can help individuals anticipate and prepare for a heat wave. Symptoms of heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke, can also indicate the presence of a heat wave.

Is heat wave and heat stroke the same?

no. a heat wave is weather, a heat stroke is a health condition.

When is the famous heat wave recorded?

In1904 there was a long heat wave.

Who beat the heat wave in Heat Wave?

everyone that is still alive??

Can a heat wave be snow and heat?

No. A heat wave is a prolonged spell of extremely hot weather. There would be no snow. Rain is not usual during a heat wave either.

When was Heat Wave - comics - created?

Heat Wave - comics - was created in 1963.

When was Wave of Heat created?

Wave of Heat was created on 2010-07-15.