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There are a few things that can cause you to have insufficient oxygen. Lung disease, Asthma, pulmonary hypertension, lung fibrosis or lung cancer to name a few.

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Q: Why are you not getting enough oxygen?
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Can not getting enough oxygen make you sleepy?

Yes, not getting enough oxygen can and will make you drowsy, also, not getting enough oxygen can cause brain damage. - Heisenberg

Why do you get out of breath when you do sport?

Your not getting enough oxygen.

What is a symptom of not getting enough oxygen?


Is there anything that can be done when ur brain is not getting enough oxygen?

Administer oxygen.

Why does a person yawn?

not enough oxygen is getting into your body

What are the qualities of breathing?

The qualities of breathing are that you are living and that your getting enough oxygen and air.

How does tobacco harm pregnancy?

All of the chemicals that you take in when you smoke goes to your lungs which makes it difficult to breath. If your not getting enough oxygen in then the baby won't have enough oxygen to survive.

Why be alarmed that a baby has cyanosis?

Cyanosis means not getting enough oxygen, and that's dangerous for anybody.

I yawn more than enough what does that mean?

Yawning is the body's tendency to get oxygen as fast as possible if your breathing does not supply your body enough. If you yawn too much, it means you are not getting enough oxygen through inhaling. Better consult a doctor for that. (:

What happens if you burn something with not enough oxygen?

When you burn something without enough oxygen for complete burning, you get incomplete burning; for example, instead of getting carbon dioxide as a combustion product, you could get carbon monoxide.

Why does your tongue get sore when you have low iron?

because the tongue is a muscle. Low iron causes the hemoglobin (what binds oxygen to red blood cells) to be low. This leads to the muscles not getting enough oxygen. When muscles do not get enough oxygen they tend to ache and cramp easily.

When the brain thinks you are not getting enough oxygen it forces you to?

it simply forces you to HICCUP its just that this is sooo simple