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ali shair

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Roxane Bode

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2d ago

Atomic and ionic radii of d-block elements in the fifth and sixth periods of a subgroup are approximately equal due to the balance between increasing nuclear charge and shielding effect by inner electrons. As you move across a period, the nuclear charge increases, pulling the electrons closer and reducing atomic size. However, the addition of extra electrons in the same energy level leads to increased electron-electron repulsions, counteracting the effect of increased nuclear charge and keeping the radii relatively similar.

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Q: Why atomic and ionic radi of d block elements in the fifth and sixth periods of a given subgroup are approximately equal?
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What is the atomic mass number of methane?

The atomic mass number of methane (CH4) is the sum of the atomic masses of its constituent elements. Carbon has an atomic mass of approximately 12, and hydrogen has an atomic mass of approximately 1. Adding these together gives a total atomic mass number of 16 for methane.

What are the differences between groups and periods?

Groups consist of elements listed in the same column. These elements share similar chemical properties, such as number of valence electrons. Periods are the rows of elements. These elements do not share chemical properties, as periods are organized by increasing atomic number (number of protons).


The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number in the Periodic Table. The rows are called periods and the columns are called groups.

Elements are classified in the?

Elements are classified in the periodic table based on their atomic number, which is the number of protons in their nucleus. Elements are further organized into groups or families based on similar chemical properties and arranged in periods according to their electron configuration. The periodic table also shows elements in order of increasing atomic number from left to right and top to bottom.

What property is used today to organize the elements?

The periodic table is used today to organize the elements based on their atomic number, which is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. This arrangement helps group elements with similar chemical properties together in columns and rows.

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How were all the elements with atomic numbers higher that 42?

These elements are in the periods 5 to 7.

How elements arranged in the periodic table?

Elements are arranged on the Periodic Table in the order of the atomic number, in groups and periods.

Will atomic properties vary in a similar ways in different periods?

Yes, atomic properties tend to vary in similar ways within a period on the periodic table due to a common valence electron configuration. For example, electronegativity generally increases from left to right within a period, as does ionization energy. This pattern is influenced by the effective nuclear charge experienced by the valence electrons.

Will atomic properties vary in a similar way in a different periods?

The atomic properties depends on the electrons of the outer shell. THe elements in differnent periods have the same arrangments of electrons in the outer shell. Thus, atomic prperties vary in a similar way in diffrent periods

What are the differences between groups and periods?

Groups consist of elements listed in the same column. These elements share similar chemical properties, such as number of valence electrons. Periods are the rows of elements. These elements do not share chemical properties, as periods are organized by increasing atomic number (number of protons).

How are period arranged on the periodic table?

The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number in the Periodic Table. The rows are called periods and the columns are called groups.

What information do you get from periodic table periods?

Arrangement of elements according to their periodic function,that is their atomic properties

How are elements organized?

atomic number Chemical elements are organized in the form of the periodic table of Mendeleev, in groups and periods.

Why did Mendeleev arrange elements in periods?

He arranged the elements in the increasing order of atomic mass and repeating properties so that it is easy to study the properties / reactivities of the elements.

How are periods and groups arranged on the periodic table?

The periodic law arranges the elements according to increasing atomic numbers and by lines depending on the number of electrons in the valence (outer) shell.

Why are elements arranged by number of protons?

Elements are arranged by number of protons in the periodic table because the number of protons in an atom determines its chemical properties. This organization helps to group elements with similar properties together, making it easier to predict how elements will interact with each other. The number of protons also determines the element's atomic number, which is unique to each element.


The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number in the Periodic Table. The rows are called periods and the columns are called groups.