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because male gametes has tail called flagellum which helps them to move around and female gametes do not have flagellum, they are round shaped so they can't move around.

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Q: Why can't a female gamete move around like a males gamete?
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Do bees havesex or they meet?

most bees have a similar approach to mating. In nearly every species, a male bee's only job is to mate with a female. Most male bees do not even have the structures necessary to make wax or carry pollen, so males in social species cannot contribute to the daily work that goes on in the hive. In fact, female honeybees usually force surviving males out of the nest before winter or when food becomes scarce.Usually, a female bee mates with several male bees in midair, gathering all of the sperm she will need in her lifetime -- a few months for a solitary bee, or up to five years for a honeybee. Mating typically happens at a collective mating site, although scientists have not yet discovered how male bees choose a site. In some species, including honeybees, the males die shortly after mating because they leave their endophallus in the female's body, fatally injuring themselves in the process. In other species, males can mate with multiple females. Since females use sperm from several males to fertilize their eggs, this gives the male bees a better chance to father young.hope that helps

Why do things dissolve?

Things dissolve because all the particles move around so that u cant see then and they dissolove quicker in hot water! :D

How long does it take to dissolve food in lemon acid?

you cant you cant

What role does nitrogen play to ensure the continuity of life?

nitrogen is the main nutrient for plants without it plants cant survive without plants herbivorous animals cant survive without them carnivorous animals cant survive without either of them omnivorous animals cant survive

Can you change a doldrum?

no it cant be chaNGED

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There is hundered of breeds and heights of horses. If you are talking about one breed then males (stallions) are about or a tiny bit bigger than a female horse(mare).... and that still cant really say that

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The legal position of a male and a female is the male cannot be the wife so he'll actually become the husband and he basically cant do nothing bout it, the position of the female is that she is nothing but a wife a housemaid and a mother toall of the children they had or that he has allready had and that is the legal position of females and males in a relationship or a marriage.

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the male is the ones with seeds, not female. if anything it would have to be the other way around. or you can cross pollinate different plants:like oranges

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You Cant

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you cant

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No you cant

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depends if they are comfortable with each other. I haf 7 parakeets and some females and males fight, while others don't. U should probably put 2 males..but don't try 2 put 2 females. if u want babies put a nest with a male and female. Males cant mate with each other :P

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