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It can't be entirely stopped, but it can be decreased significantly. Just need a little innovation, thats all.. Someone will figure out something eventually.

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Q: Why can't all air pollution be stopped?
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Why all air pollution cannot be controlled or stopped?

all air pollution can not be stoped or controlled because not every person likes the environment. also, air polution is everywhere in the worls and there are many factories, cars,etc.. that can not be eliminated out of our everyday life for certain reasons of work.

What is the difference between air pollution and pollution?

air pollution is related to air specialy but in pollution we include all type of pollution like water , noise, air pollution

What are all the types of pollution?

Air pollution, water pollution, & ground pollution.

Which12 Nations have pollution?

All of them. You cant populate an area and not have pollution as a result.

Do all cars have air pollution control systems?

Yes. All cars have begun to be built with air pollution control systems in them due to the increase in pollution in urban cities. Some cars have air pollution control systems and some don't.

What is the one thing all major air pollution disasters have had in common?

Major air pollution disasters have all occurred in industrialized areas.

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What percentage of the world is effected by air pollution?

100 percent of the world is affected by air pollution. Air pollution is not limited to one country or one area, it spreads all over the world.

What is a good sentence for pollution?

Pollution is all around people , and effects the air , and water.

What cities have air pollution?

Pretty much all of them.

Most common kind of pollution?

Air Pollution, its all around us (in varying degrees)

Is all outdoor air pollution caused by humans?

Not all but most are.