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Sunlight scattered by the atmosphere masks the much dimmer light from the stars.

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Q: Why can't we see the stars when we are facing the sun?
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Why cant we see most stars during the day?

Because the sun is brighter than stars

When are the stars in the sky?

Stars are always in the sky! You just cant see them as well when the sun is shinning.

As the earth turns we see the stars move across the sky then the sun rises and we cant see the stars but if we could what stars would we see?

The stars that you would see at night in 6 months time.

Is the sun the consumer?

The Sun is a star, that only comes out at day, all the other stars you see at night are still there but you cant see them.:)

Why do you see the sun in daytime?

The earth spins around every 24hours one side is facing the Sun and the other to the stars.

Why cant we see stars during the day?

We can, t see the stars in a day beacues the light of sun is very bright comparatively to the stars thes reason

Why does the moon get full?

The moon gets full because.... When the sun is on the side of the moon facing away from Earth you cant see the moon. When the sun is on the side facing the Earth you can see the full Moon! it basically relies on where the sun is positioned.

Why cant you see stars that are bigger than the sun?

You can see stars that are bigger than the sun. About half the stars you see are bigger. Generally speaking, any orange or red star is. Just to give an example, look at Orion's left shoulder, Betelgeuse. This is one of the larger stars we can see.

Does the earths turns make the stars appear in the night?

The earth's turns affect which stars we can see, not if they are visible at all. The stars are always there, But the light from our sun is brighter then the stars, and when the earth turns facing away from the sun, the stars are the brightest thing in the sky.

Why cant you see stars movement?

Stars are super far away from our sun. But the Earth moves around on its axis. So it looks like the stars are moving actually.

Why cant you see planets or stars at day?

because the sun is so bright that it covers it up!! jk idk

Why do you see the sun but not the other stars?

Day and night are caused by Earth rotating. At night the part of Earth you are on is facing away from the sun, so Earth itself blocks the sun from view.