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it finds its own safe place to lay its eggs . you cant tell a mom where to go during laobor. there is one specific place they wan to go

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Q: Why can't you tell a bird when and where to build its nest?
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How do you make the bird take you to his leader?

tell him you'll mess up his nest?

How ca you tell when birds are sick?

you can tell when a bird is sick when they arent flying away from you or that it is just sitting in its nest.

Can you identify a bird by its nest?

You can tell by the materials used, the shaping and even the eggs that are in the nest. e.g. a cape warbler has a spherical nest that's weaved with grass and has white eggs with brown speckles

Big bird a chicken?

yes cant you tell by his legs there are all skinny

How can you tell if a morning dove egg is alive?

If it is out of the nest, it probably isn't alive. If it is in the nest I hope you didn't touch it. Touching it will cause mama bird to leave it and it will die.

How do you tell if a blue belly lizard has eggs?

they might get a little bigger and they will start building a nest

A baby bird fell out of the nest and the mother and father are feeding it still What should you do?

If the bird is still laying there and the mother/father is still feeding the baby bird, the bird must have just fell out of the nest and there isn't anything wrong with it. One of the parents will get it to its nest or get it to a safe place and take care of it. If the parent(s) do not want anything to do with it then the bird is sick and not eating, they just give up. You should place the bird in a warm shoe box with hay and make sugar water and feed that to the bird by using a dropper. You don't want to feed it to much. There are site that tell you directions with feeding a baby bird. :)

Is it possible to move a killdeer nest?

Before I tell you the answer, let me just say that there are laws prohibiting any disturbance of a migratory bird's nest and there are fines and penalties for doing so. That said, they should only be moved if absolutely necessary and only if the only other option is the destruction of the nest. Yes, it is possible, but it has to be done very, very carefully or the bird may abandon the nest.

What is the temperature of the bird house for a female bluebird to lay eggs?

In a warm place at the month so you cant really tell unless you have thermometer to tell you the tempreture of any bird or any animal.

How can a birds nest help you learn about birds?

Nests can tell us a lot. You can learn the species. You can learn how long ago the bird left the nest. And various other facts. You can learn the species because some birds have unique nests. Osprey nests are probably larger than a big coffee table. Also, Ovenbird nests are two-room domes. Then, how torn the nest is can tell you how old the nest is, and gives you an estimate of when the bird family parted with the nest.And gives you a good hint to when the bird was in the breeding season, and when it wintered (depending when you get the nest). So a lot can be discovered about birds just by looking at there nests.

What is something that starts with the letter n that a 5 year old can take to kindergarten for show in tell?

· nametag · neighbor · nest (bird) · nickel · number · nanny

What would replace bird if its pronoun?

The pronoun that takes the place of the noun bird is itas a singular and they or them as the plural.The bird sat on my window sill for a long time, as if it wanted to tell me something.If the gender of the bird is known, then the pronouns he/him or she/her can be used; they or them is also used for the plural.When the bird flew from the nest I could see that she had two eggs.