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At the time of its discovering it was considered a wonder drug because it was the first antibiotic, that has saved lots of life. Penicillin has been the pioneer among antibiotics, which is still used today.

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14y ago

It's used as drug for people because we don't have cell walls and penicillin only attacks cell walls so it cannot harm us.

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Can you give injectable penicillin to a kitten by mouth?

Healthy puppies need no penicillin. If they're sick, the veterinarian will decide which antibiotic to use.

Do penicillin injections hurt animals as much as they hurt humans?

Penicillin injections certainly sting, the same as for humans.

What antibiotics is used if allergic to penicillin?

Macrolides are safe alternatives to use and produce less side effects.

Is taking chloroquine safe if allergic to penicillin?

Yes, chloroquine is not a related compound of penicillin.

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Do humans use koalas for anything?

No, they're safe.

Is tetralysal 300 safe im allegic to penicillin?

I'm allergic to penicillin too, so I just asked the pharmacist and she said it doesn't contain penicillin.

Is it safe to take Zyrtec if you are allergic to sulfa and penicillin?

There is no relation between penicillin allergy and cyclobenzaprine allergy. There is no problem if you're only allergic to penicillin.

Why doesn't penicillin kill humans?

The penicillin kills bacteria by interfering with repairs to the bacterial cell wall. Human cells don't have a cell wall, and don't use the same enzymes that make the bacteria vulnerable.

How has penicillin helped science?

well penicillin is a drug created from a fungus and is used to treat humans with certain bacterial infections.

Is it safe to give penicillin to a pregnant horse?

i don't recommend it.

Is it safe to take penicillin vk same time as flucloxacillin?

It is best to use only one at a time unless otherwise prescribed by your physician.